07 April 2022
John Woolham and Nicole Steils at the British Geriatrics Society
John and Nicole were invited speakers at the Society's Spring Meeting

John Woolham, Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, and Nicole Steils, Research Fellow at the Unit, today presented at the British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting 2022. Their joint presentation 'Using telecare to support the independence of older people and people with dementia: policy, practice, and the impact of evidence' focused on work undertaken at the Unit (UTOPIA study) and additional research undertaken by John Woolham over two decades. The presentation and discussion will be available as a stream for delegates at the conference, and the slides are available below.
Header image, showing telecare in use, is taken from the cover of the UTOPIA project report, published in 2018.