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17 November 2023

Involving community groups in the research process

Antonina Semkina and Caroline Norrie were at an event organised by Mabadiliko CIC

Figure Ground Diagram of South London

Unit researchers Antonina Semkina and Caroline Norrie attended a Community research prioritisation workshop at Living space (1 Coral Street, Waterloo, London) on Friday 17 November. Around 50 community representatives and practitioners were present.

The event was organised by Mabadiliko CIC as part of a second phase of the Research Engagement Network development study with the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS).

Highlights included Nadine Fontaine-Palmer’s presentation on Cultural humility and self-reflection, and a Fireside chat about lived experience of engaging with health research with Hillna Fontaine and SisDr. Sandra Richards. Participants worked in groups to discuss how community groups can be more involved in different stages of the research process. Antonina worked on phase one of the study and is undertaking work on the second phase (project evaluation). She facilitated the discussion about research question setting & research design.

More information about the event can be found here:

Header image: Figure Ground Diagram of South London

In this story

Antonina Semkina

Research Associate

Caroline Norrie

Senior Research Fellow