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19 April 2022

International Women's Day at King's Department of Informatics

International Women’s Day (IWD) is aimed at breaking down social barriers and creating a gender equal world. On IWD on March 8 the world comes together to celebrate women’s achievements and reinforce a commitment to women’s equality.

collage of two images of women sitting together eating and standing next to a buffet table

The team held a networking lunch at the Department of Informatics that did just that! We celebrated women in STEM, networked and exchanged ideas. This event was part of the EDI activities of the events being organized by the Women in Science at Informatics (WiS@Informatics), and it was also the first in-person event this year, with over 60 attendees. The networking lunch also featured a short presentation introducing the rest of the events that are being organized this semester.

These events include a seminar by Sinem Gur who spoke about her life as a Software Engineer at Google. She graduated from Sabanci University in 2016 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. She worked in a number of technology companies in Istanbul for a couple of years, before moving to London to pursue her career at Google. Sinem’s focus revolves around using her skills to help rightful merchants to manage their online profiles on Google Maps and prevent abusive users from harming the product.

For more information about the next conference, click here.

In this story

Alfie Abdul-Rahman

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

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