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28 April 2023

Artificial Soul

Is there any aspect of humanity that could never be programmed into a machine? Listen to this episode from BBC Radio 4's Something Understood at the Bringing the Human to the Artificial exhibition.

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As robots become more human-like, John McCarthy asks whether there is any aspect of humanity that could never be programmed into a machine.

Experts from the Department of Informatics of King’s College London reflect on the possibility of developing artificial emotions, morality and creativity. Will there come a time when it will be impossible to tell a machine from its maker?

The programme includes extracts from the first work of fiction about robots, by the Czech playwright Karel Capek, as well as more recent imaginings by Isaac Asimov.

William James, Andrew Marvell and Richard Dawkins muse on the nature of self, soul and culture.

We hear computer-generated music, as well as compositions by Stockhausen, Wasifuddin Dagar and Regina Spektor.

This programme is not available to listen to online. Come along to the exhibition to listen!