28 February 2020
Guest editors take in-depth look at impact of Euroscepticism
A special edition of a journal focussing on the impact of Euroscepticism on the EU has been guest-edited by academics from King’s College London.

Dr Christel Koop, from the Department of Political Economy, and Dr Edoardo Bressanelli, from the Department of European and International Studies, joined Professor Christine Reh in editing the latest edition of the Journal of European Public Policy.
Articles in the special edition explore the impact on the EU’s institutions of rising Euroscepticism across the continent and the increase in politicisation of the EU itself. A key finding is that EU institutions not only respond to the national pressure by limiting EU action, but also choose to selectively expand their activities, especially if they can justify this by referring to European citizens’ preferences and interests.
The edition focuses on EU institutions such as the European Commission, the parliament, the court of justice and the central bank. It includes the articles: EU Actors under pressure: politicisation and depoliticisation as strategic responses and Responsive withdrawal? The politics of EU agenda-setting – which were authored by Dr Koop, Professor Reh and Dr Bressanelli.
Dr Koop said: “It was a great privilege to have been invited to guest edit this special edition and to feature some excellent work from scholars who are leading the field in this area of study.
“The issue addresses some of the biggest questions facing the European Union and looks at how it has responded when its systems – and the policies they produce – have come under attack.”
You can read more here.