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10 March 2022

Global Health & Social Medicine academic giving ICLQ annual lecture on vaccine distribution

Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner, Senior Lecturer in Global Health Law, is giving this year’s lecture for the The International & Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) with his co-author Dr Michelle Rourke.


At the 2022 ICLQ Annual Lecture, King’s Global Health and Social Medicine academic, Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner, will discuss his paper, 'Arguments Against the Inequitable Distribution of Vaccines Using the Access and Benefit Sharing Transaction', with co-author Dr Michelle Rourke from Griffith University.

The ICLQ Annual Lecture showcases the best papers published in the ICLQ - one of the leading international law journals in the world.

It’s such a privilege to deliver the annual ICLQ lecture with Dr Michelle Rourke. Both Michelle and I were pleased to have our paper published in such a prestigious journal and it’s an honour to be chosen to give this year’s lecture.

Mark Eccleston-Turner

Their paper looks at 'Access and Benefit Sharing', a transactional mechanism that allows States to trade access to pathogen samples in exchange for vaccines. It argues that trading pathogens undermines the human right to health because it makes that right a commodity to be bought.

The lecture will also celebrate the journal’s 70th anniversary and is taking place on 4 April 2022 at ICLQ’s headquarters in Russell Square, London. The event is free to attend. You can register to attend the lecture in person or join the event online.

In this story

Mark Eccleston-Turner

Senior Lecturer in Global Health Law