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29 October 2021

German Writing Competition 2021

We are delighted to announce the return of the German Writing Competition! This year’s competition invites students of German in Year 12 or 13 (S5 or S6 in Scotland) to write an article on the legacy of Angela Merkel’s historic 16-year chancellorship. The winning entry will be published in the German Department newspaper and prizes will be awarded to the winner and runners-up.

Writing & Publishing Image

Angela Merkel's 16-year chancellorship has been historic. Merkel was the first female leader of Germany, the second longest-serving chancellor, and the first chancellor since reunification to come from the former GDR. We ask: What legacy does she leave for Germany and the wider world?

How to enter

Entries should be 400-450 words in length and written in German. The topic may be addressed from any angle; your submission may take the form of a discursive essay, or you may choose a more creative form. Entries will be judged based on both content and language.

Entries should be submitted by e-mail, together with the attached form, to by 22 November 2021.


The author and winning entry will receive a book token and will be published in the Königspost. The Königspost is King College London’s German Department newspaper, which has a wide circulation among university students and learners of German across the UK. Prizes will also be awarded to runners-up.

All entrants will be invited to an online prize-giving ceremony and seminar run by King’s College London in early December 2021.


In this story

Catherine Smale

Senior Lecturer in German Studies