19 October 2020
German Writing Competition
We are delighted to announce the return of the German Writing Competition! Open to all students doing A-level German (or equivalent), prizes will include the winning selection being published in the Department newspaper as well as awards to runner-up entries.

We are currently in the midst of a digital revolution. New technologies are transforming our lives, and their impact has increased since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions have come to rely on online services, apps and other technological products to navigate their daily realities. But what does our digital future look like? Do new digital technologies pose a threat to society as we know it? Or can they be used to bring about productive change?
The German Department of King's College London is seeking to publish one original piece of writing in German on the topic of ‘Die digitale Zukunft’, written by a student of German in Year 12 or 13 (S5 or S6 in Scotland).
How to enter
Entries should be 400-450 words in length and written in German. The topic may be addressed from any angle; your submission may take the form of a discursive essay, or you may choose a more creative form.
Entries will be judged on the basis of both content and language. Entries should be submitted by e-mail, together with the attached form, to Dr Catherine Smale at catherine.smale@kcl.ac.uk, by 20 November 2020.
The author of the winning entry will receive a book token and will have their submission published in the winter edition of the Königspost, the Department newspaper, which has a wide circulation among university students and learners of German across the UK. Prizes will also be awarded to runners-up. The winner and runners-up will be invited to an online prizegiving ceremony and seminar run by King’s College London in early December 2020.