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03 May 2016

Georgian Papers Programme website launches

New website launched bringing together the latest news, resources and information on the Georgian Papers Programme.

In partnership with the Royal Archives, King’s College London is undertaking a major project to digitise and interpret the archives of the Georgian papers held at Windsor Castle.

The five year programme, officially launched by Her Majesty the Queen on 1stApril 2015, will digitise some 350,000 pages of original archives, including official and private papers of Britain's Hanoverian monarchs, as well as other members of the Royal Family, politicians, courtiers and the Privy Purse. With academic leadership provided by King's College London as well as the Omohundro Institute and the College of William and Mary, the Programme also supports research and interpretation of this material to advance both academic and public understanding.

The website, Georgian Papers Programme, provides the latest news and developments along with information on current research, funded research opportunities and forthcoming events relating to the study of the Georgian history. The site will also include a regular updated blog featuring posts from visiting academics in Windsor and updates and images on the progress of the digitisation.