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19 June 2017

George Benjamin's Knighthood

Professor George Benjamin has been awarded a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.

Professor George Benjamin
Professor George Benjamin

We are delighted to report that George Benjamin has been awarded a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours list. Sir George has been Henry Purcell Professor of Composition at King's since 2001, succeeding Sir Harrison Birtwistle. The birthday honours 'notes' add the following words:

"George Benjamin is a composer and conductor whose music is typified by its shimmering beauty. He started composing at the age of seven and made his BBC Proms debut at twenty. His most recent opera, Written on Skin, recently returned to the Royal Opera House to great critical acclaim and has been scheduled at over twenty international opera houses since its 2012 premiere, winning numerous awards."

In this story

George Benjamin

Henry Purcell Professor of Composition