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13 October 2021

Exploring the impact of urban regeneration on young people's mental health

Geography PhD student Hana Riazuddin has produced a gallery exhibition which examines the effect of widespread development on young people’s psychosocial health.

Endz n' Out

Geography PhD student Hana Riazuddin, along with a team of eight young researchers from Southeast London, has curated a research project that uses photography, maps, and zines to delve into the effect urban regeneration is having on the mental health of young people in these areas.

With urban spaces across London undergoing extensive development, the number of young people accessing mental health services in Southwark and Lambeth has risen sharply in recent years. Young people in these areas in particular have a higher prevalence of poor mental health than other areas of London and England.

The project, ‘Endz n’ Out: Growing up during neighbourhood change’ tells the story of urban regeneration and gentrification, and draws attention to how changing neighbourhoods influence young people’s lives, using the South London boroughs of Southwark and Lambeth to explore its impacts on young people’s psychosocial health.

Hana said:

Young people’s voices on urban life have been marginalised both in research and within policy decision making. In recruiting young people to work as peer researchers, this study works with them to use their expertise, perspectives and contributions individually and collectively to reflect on psychosocial health within the wider debate on urban and social transformation.

Hanna Riazuddin

The project was launched in a gallery exhibition at 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning, a historic gallery in Brixton home to local and international Black artists, in September 2021.

Visitors to the exhibition were invited to explore the emotional, psychological, and social landscapes in South London’s shifting terrain.

The core themes of the project included the lack of spaces available for young people and the pace of change; the effect of socio-economic and racial demographic changes on community and belonging; the detrimental impacts of widening and visible inequality; and the role and responsibility of local government to support young people.

Researchers also produced a zine to share their findings.

​The project exhibition will be showcased at The Exchange in Bush House Northeast wing until 20 October 2021.

This project and its events are funded and supported by The Exchange, LISS DTP, the Department of Geography, and the Centre for Doctoral Studies, King’s College London.

In this story

Hana Riazuddin

PhD student