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01 December 2023

Season's Greetings from King's Employer Engagement

Andrew Wright, Associate Director (Employer Engagement & Work-based Learning)

Wishing all our employer, alumni and supplier partners a safe and happy holiday season!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Employer Engagement Teams at King's College London!

Our offices are closed from 16:00 on Thursday 21 December 2023 to 09:00 on Tuesday 2 January 2024 inclusive. During this time we will not be able to publish or approve any opportunities uploaded to King's CareerConnect or confirm any bookings for events.

For the first time since 2019, it has felt like things are genuinely back to normality - our major fairs have seen record breadth of attendance and we've been overwhelmed by the demand from employers to raise awareness of your opportunities, recruit, educate and upskill our audience.

So, to all of our partners - thank you. Thank you for sharing those struggles, for trusting in us to adapt and deliver new opportunities, events and provision and for continuing to recognise the breadth of talent here at King's.

2024 Plans

Brand & Attraction Events

As we enter 2024, we're working on a large-scale review of our core brand and attraction activity for next autumn. This will include new ways of engaging on campus, in new spaces and with broader audiences and we look forward to sharing details with you in spring.

In addition, from 2024 you'll be able to find detailed historic attendance fact files online for all our core fairs, networking nights and speed meets including breakdowns by faculty, level,, disability and ethnicity alongside those we are already providing by gender, nationality and career confidence.

Our hope is that this supports you in decision-making around which events will be of greatest impact to you, factoring in different priority cohorts alongside restricted budgets and resourcing, allowing you to make the most of engagement at King's in the right spaces.

Data Exchange & Advisory Board

We've also been redeveloping our Meet our Students section online where you'll be able to access more detailed information on our student talent broken down by various characteristics, including career confidence. 

Stay tuned for phase two of this project in the new year - but, as part of the bargain, we also want you to share more data with us on how our students are doing in the recruitment process, who's applying and where they're falling out of the process.

Our new Employer Advisory Board will also be supporting us to integrate employability across King's programmes in new ways, enhancing our labour market intelligence and working directly with academics.

Spring 2024 Events

For now, here's just a few of the confirmed opportunities we're planning for the new year, as we continue to expand and diversify our delivery...

  • Our Focus on Culture & Creative Careers returns (22-26 January) providing a platform for those in the creative industries to share their experiences, alongside highlighting creative roles across all sectors.
  • Our Focus on China Virtual Fair (15 March) will again showcase the range of opportunities employers across mainland China and Hong Kong SAR are recruiting for in 2024.
  • Our second Climate & Sustainability Networking Night (8 February) exemplifies our commitment to highlighting sustainable career paths to our students and researchers across all sectors.

Work-based & Experiential Learning

Alongside these activities, our Work-based Learning Unit is scaling up our Insights Programme including seeking interest from individuals and organisations to support us in bringing virtual student projects to life, through our partnership with Practera.

To develop wider sector research on the differences between skills development and employability learning gain when students undertake international work-related learning, we'll also be launching our new Sustainable Global Experiences project in Brussels, supported by our partners at Pagoda Projects.

From all of us at King's Employer Engagement, we thank you for all your continued support throughout this most different of years, and look forward to working with you again in 2024!

King's Employer Engagement

Andrew, Barbara, Favour, Jessica, Jonathan, India, Karley, Linda, Maria, Melissa, Michael, Michael, Naomi, Parm, Phil, Rajinder, Rebecca, Roger, Sel and Wenqian.

Thank you for sharing your struggles, for trusting in us to adapt and deliver new opportunities, events and provision and for continuing to recognise the breadth of talent here at King's.

Andrew Wright, Associate Director (Employer Engagement & Work-based Learning)

In this story

Andrew Wright

Associate Director (Employer Engagement & Work-based Learning)

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