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17 August 2021

Recruiting at King's - A new guide for employers

Andrew Wright, Associate Director (Employer Engagement)

Download our free new guide for employers.

Recruit at King's College London

We know that helping employers reach the right talent at King's is key to our successful partnership with employers across the globe.

So, we've compiled together some of the best ideas our Employer Relations & Development team have developed with employers to help your organisation understand the value of a consultation with us. We'll work with you to comprehensively understand your strategy and provide advice on how to tailor this for our own context.

Whilst you may wish to focus your engagement with a particular faculty, department, discipline or sector of interest, we also know how much work employers are putting into ensuring their practices are inclusive of the range of groups under-represented in higher education and for Black, Asian and diverse heritage students. So you will also find detailed sections to support you engaging with these cohorts, the questions you should consider and seek to answer yourselves before building campaigns to attract these communities.

Download our Guide

Access our free guide to support your engagement and recruitment with King's.

In this story

Andrew Wright

Associate Director (Employer Engagement & Work-based Learning)

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