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12 September 2017

Dr. Jo Entwistle wins British Academy 'Cities and Infrastructures' bid

Dr Jo Entwistle has been successful with her British Academy 'Cities and Infrastructures' bid

From the CMCI blog
From the CMCI blog

Dr Jo Entwistle has been successful with her British Academy 'Cities and Infrastructures' bid. The project is entitled 'Disconnected infrastructures and Violence Against Women (VAW): Innovating digital technologies in low-income neighbourhoods to produce safer Indian cities'. There were 160 applications and only 9 were awarded in what was a very competitive bid, and this makes for an impressive success. Dr. Jo Entwistle will be working with Ayona Datta at KCL and Don Slater at the London School of Economics.

Read full article here.

In this story

Joanne Entwistle

Reader in Cultural and Creative Industries