28 November 2018
Dr Jane Rowlandson (1953-2018)
The Department of Classics is very sad to note the death of our former colleague Jane on 20 November 2018.

The Department of Classics is very sad to note the death of our former colleague Jane on Tuesday 20 November 2018 arising from her long and determined struggle against rheumatoid arthritis. Jane transferred to King’s from Birkbeck in 1989 as Lecturer in Ancient History and was promoted to Reader in 2003. She had to take retirement because of her health in 2005, but retained research links with the Department. While at King’s she published her monograph on Landowners and Tenants in Roman Egypt (1996), and edited the innovative sourcebook Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt (1998). She put enormous care and energy into her teaching and tutoring of undergraduate and postgraduates, and was a staunch and cheerful colleague to all. Her funeral will be held at Aberystwith Crematorium at 1 pm on Monday 3 December 2018.