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28 September 2017

Dental Institute shows good improvement in Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

The Dental Institute is pleased to announce that they achieved 84.35 Overall Satisfaction in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey, an increase from the 2016 survey, and a result that places the faculty higher than the London and Russell Group Universities average.

A major area of improvement came from Organisation and Management, with an increase in satisfaction of 6%. It is the faculty’s aim to continue to improve in this area and the recently established Postgraduate Student Experience Group shows an ongoing dedication to this.  

Dr Mark Packer, Associate Dean Postgraduate Taught Studies at the Dental Institute said: “The Dental Institute wishes to thank the postgraduate student body who responded enthusiastically to the call to participate in the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) last summer”.

Teaching was again recognised as a strong element in the Postgraduate learning experience at the Dental Institute, with scores of 90+% for enthusiasm and delivering intellectually stimulating programmes. The faculty’s skills development satisfaction levels were 10% above the University average.

“There are so many, and there is so much, involved in all our programmes, it is great to see the team effort is rewarded with improved assessment by the students. My thanks go to all involved,” said Professor Mark Woolford, Dean of Education at the Dental Institute.


“Finally, may I applaud the Prosthodontics MClinDent programme who featured in the college 95+% satisfaction league table. If they were a football team they would be in the Premiere League!” Dr Packer concludes.