There are huge opportunities to progress deep tech for the benefit of humankind through global partnerships. Our students and researchers in the natural, mathematical & engineering sciences are at the forefront of innovation and committed to technology for good. I am delighted that King’s could host a Department for Business and Trade delegation of US-based VCs in deep tech, offering the opportunity for guests from King’s and other UK leading universities to connect and explore investment opportunities.
Professor Rachel Bearon, Executive Dean, Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences
24 June 2024
DeepTech Roadshow shines spotlight on UK's Deep Tech Industry
A delegation of US-based Venture Capitalists (VCs) visit Bush House with the Department for Business and Trade.

Opened by Professor Bashir M.Al-Hashimi, Vice President (Research & Innovation), the event featured speeches and panel discussions on the topic of deep tech and investment in the UK. Over 40 guests attended, including other university delegates, US-based VCs and King’s academics.
A multi-university panel, with representation from Imperial College London, University of Edinburgh, University of Liverpool, University of Southampton, University of Manchester and University College London (UCL), discussed the current challenges within the UK’s investment landscape for deep tech ventures.
Professor Rachel Bearon, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences introduced a second panel discussion, facilitated by Professor Luca Vigano, Vice Dean (Enterprise & Engagement). Professor Carmine Ventre, Dr Yansha Deng, Dr Amelle Zair and Professor Mohammad Reza Mousavi, discussed the biggest challenges and opportunities in deep tech right now, including the role of AI, 6G, robotics and the implications for cyber security and ethical responsibility.

Delegates also heard from King’s alumni who have founded ventures in the Deep tech space. Timur Mamedov (King’s alumnus, BSc Computer Science) co-founder and CEO of, Edwin Wong (PhD student) CEO of Psyrin, Chibeza Agley (King’s alumnus, PhD) CEO of Obrizum and Matthew Howard (Reader in Engineering) founder of Tanglehold Gripper, all showcased how they are applying deep tech solutions to real-world problems, across healthcare, education and technology. All ventures are past or current participants of the King’s Start-up Accelerator (formerly King’s20 Accelerator) or King’s Spinout Accelerator.
The event ended with lunch and networking. Photos: Nathan Clarke Photography.