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05 November 2022

Cybersecurity Group's research retreat

The Cybersecurity Group organised a workshop, sharing the breadth of research being conducted across CYS.

Cyber security

On the 4th of November 2022, the Cybersecurity Group (CYS) of KCL Informatics organized a workshop day at the Strand campus, an opportunity to share the breadth of research being conducted across CYS.

The workshop was also a chance to meet Prof. Martin Albrecht and his PhD students, who will be joining KCL in January 2022. Martin and his team presented their research lattice-based and post-quantum cryptography, block ciphers for algebraic platforms and attacks on cryptographic protocols.

After introductions over breakfast, the day began with short presentations by the CYS academics on their areas of research followed by longer presentations by postdocs and PhD students on their current projects. As well as an opportunity to bring together members working across malware, forensics, cryptography, education, and privacy, the presentations highlighted a number of complementary strands of research that will hopefully form the basis of future collaborations.

The final part of the afternoon was spent considering best practices for managing research. Topics included generating new research ideas, time management, and finding motivation for writing. The session was a great opportunity for the more seasoned members of the group to share tips with the postdocs and students who are just starting out on their research careers.