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28 November 2022

Current thinking on hoarding behaviour

Over 320 people attended a webinar focusing on psychological and legal perspectives

Abstract pattern

Over 320 people today attended a webinar on the topic of current thinking on hoarding behaviour, hosted by the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce. 

Professor Paul Salkovskis of the University of Oxford and the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust spoke about present psychological thinking in this area and discussed the pathways to hoarding. Tim Spencer-Lane of the Government Legal Department (DHSC) and lecturer at Kingston University discussed a recent case at the Court of Protection. 

Slides from both speakers are available on the event page.

Jen Owen, Research Associate at the Policy Research Unit, is leading a study into decluttering services arranged by local authorities. Nicole Steils leads a study on self-neglect and hoarding among older people – now in its dissemination phase. Stephen Martineau, Research Fellow at the Unit, chaired the webinar.

In this story

Jennifer Owen

Research Associate

Nicole Steils

Research Fellow

Research Fellow

Maria Brent

Kingston University, London