Since its inception in 2009, the Cosmo Davenport-Hines Prize has provided a platform for King's students to have their work published and celebrated. Each year, the prize is judged by award winning writers and academics. Open to all King's students, the prize welcomes poetry in all the styles, genres and voices which make King's such a unique space of learning and creativity.
Dr Anthony Joseph, Lecturer in Creative Writing
07 January 2025
Cosmo Davenport-Hines Poetry Prize 2025 for students opens
The Department of English is delighted to announce the launch of the annual Cosmo Davenport-Hines Poetry Prize for students, with a deadline of 7 April 2025.
This year, all King’s students are invited to submit poems of no more than 40 lines of the theme of ‘Community’. You may interpret the theme in any way you wish, from your personal experience and understanding of community, to its wider interpretations. The poem must be written in English. All poetic forms are welcome.
The annual prize honours Cosmo, who died in June 2008 while still a student in the Department of English. The prize seeks to remember his creativity and love of words.
The judging panel consists of:
- Dr Anthony Joseph, Lecturer in Creative Writing
- Dr Rowan Boyson, Reader in Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Literature
- Dr Carl Kears, Lecturer in Medieval Literature
The winner will receive a prize of £200 and their entry will be published in Wild Court, an international poetry journal based at King’s. two runners-up will each receive £50. The winners will be invited to read their poems in the summer term at a departmental party to mark the end of the academic year.
To submit your entry, please complete this form and attach your poem in a Word document, with only your student number, NOT your name. On the form itself, please include your name, student number, your King’s Department, and your degree programme.
Deadline for submission: 5pm on 7 April 2025
Good luck!