02 December 2020
Coronavirus update: London to enter Tier 2 restrictions from 2 December
The UK Government has announced London will enter Tier 2 COVID-19 restrictions.
Today, as the current national lockdown restrictions end, the UK Government has announced that London will enter Tier 2 COVID-19 restrictions.
We wanted to provide an update on what this means for our community of students and staff for the last few weeks of term, and for those planning to travel home for the winter break.
On-campus activities
The university remains open, following government guidance, and students and staff can travel to and from our campuses. In line with our flexible, blended approach, we will continue to provide in-person teaching for programmes where it is most appropriate. This will include all programmes with clinical and placement activities, as well as all currently timetabled laboratory sessions and other practical learning activities. All other teaching remains online to give students the flexibility to make plans to travel home during the Government’s ‘travel window’ of 3-9 December without interrupting their end of term teaching and assessment. Students on placements in clinical settings can continue after 9 December. Libraries remain open, as do a range of informal learning spaces on campus which students can continue to access as they wish.
Travelling home at the end of term
For those students who are planning to travel home for the winter break, NHS Lateral Flow tests are available at three testing sites – Bush House, the Quad at Guy’s and the WEC (Weston Education Centre) Gym at Denmark Hill - for staff and students who do not have Coronavirus symptoms. To book a free NHS Lateral Flow test and to find out more information, please see our webpage.
Please note these tests are not suitable to certify air travel. Students who live overseas and need to fly home, will need to check with their airline what their requirements are. In most cases, a ‘fit to fly’ certificate is required which is available through private coronavirus tests. The university is able to help students flying home with the cost of getting a COVID-19 ‘fit to fly’ test.
Under Tier 2, households mixing indoors is still not allowed, however, you will be able to meet outdoors in groups of a maximum of six from 2 December.
Please do continue to adhere to safety measures on and off campus, including wearing a face covering (unless exempt), following social distancing, and regularly washing your hands.
For those experiencing coronavirus symptoms, please follow the NHS advice to book a test and please fill out the King’s Self-Isolation form so we can support you.