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15 May 2019

Climate Change, Justice and the Courts

Dr Emily Barritt, TLI Co-Director

Dr Barritt ran a week long course on Climate Change, Justice and the Courts with colleague Melanie Murcott from the University of Praetoria.

South Africa
South Africa

In summer 2018, Transnational Law Institute Co-Director Dr Emily Barritt ran a week long course on Climate Change, Justice and the Courts with colleague Melanie Murcott from the University of Pretoria. The course was part of the Law Schools’ Global League annual summer school and was held at IE University in Segovia, Spain. Throughout the week, students were encouraged to think deeply about the nature of climate justice and the role it plays in the adjudication of the growing body of global climate change cases. Cases from a range of jurisdictions were studied, from South Africa to Norway, from Pakistan to the Netherlands, allowing the students to draw on and share their own diverse legal training. During the week students were split into teams to engage with one of six different climate change cases from around the world. Students who worked on Future Generations v Ministry of the Environment and Others a 2018 from the Colombian Supreme Court went on to record a podcast, interviewing Colombian legal scholar, and former TLSI Fellow, Dr. Jimena Sierra, Rosario University and one of the youth claimants from the case. 

The podcast is part of a series called Nomosphone produced at Tilburg Law School, by Dr Phillip Paiement, also a former TLSI Fellow.

Click here to listen to the podcast: Climate Change, Future Generations & the Rights of Amazonia.