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28 June 2018

Canning House and King's College London Visiting Fellowships 2019

We are delighted to announce a new programme of Visiting Fellowships

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We are delighted to announce a new programme of Visiting Fellowships which Canning House in association with King’s College London has initiated from 2019.

Canning House is the UK’s leading forum for informed comment, contacts and debate on Latin American politics, economics and business and was established in 1943. Canning House hosts a wide range of activities including in-depth publications on developments and trends in Latin America; conferences, seminars and off-the-record events with ministers, ambassadors, senior officials, business and government leaders from Latin America and the UK; and a Cultural Programme which attracts the very best historians, writers and cultural figures.

King’s College London was established in 1829 and today is a multi-faculty, multi-campus university. It has had a relationship with Canning House since its foundation which continues today. King’s has been teaching Spanish and Portuguese since the nineteenth century and has significant partnerships with South American universities and cultural institutions.

In 2012 the Library of Canning House, which comprised some 54,000 volumes, joined the already significant Latin American collections at King’s Library which now forms one of the most extensive Latin American collections in the UK. Covering almost every aspect of the civilization and culture of all of the Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries of the world, the collection has particular strengths in the areas of history, international relations and above all literature.

Canning House in association with King’s has established two Visiting Fellowships a year and is now welcoming applications for the spring 2019 and Autumn 2019 Fellowships. These Fellowships will be based at the Maughan Library of King’s College London for a period of up to three months, with the responsibility of completing a research project drawing on the collections housed in the Library. London has very many academic libraries and access to these will be possible where necessary to supplement the collections housed at King’s.

Towards the end of the Fellowship, the Fellow will be expected to lead a seminar or give a lecture in either the Department of Spanish Portuguese and Latin American Studies or the Brazil Institute at King’s about the research undertaken during the Fellowship, and additionally to lead a discussion on the chosen topic at an event at Canning House for their members and guests, who are drawn predominantly from the business and diplomatic communities here in the UK.

The Visiting Fellowship is to commence either in March or September, and it includes air transport to and from the UK via our partner airline Air Europa and a monthly stipend of £2,500 for the duration of the Fellow’s stay in London.

The research project undertaken should fall within one of the following thematic areas:

  1. Migration between Europe and Latin America from 1800 to the present, its history and political, social and economic impacts –-with a special focus on Britain as a source or recipient of migration.
  1. Women’s rights in Latin America, Iberia and the UK over the past 100 years, including historical, political, social and economic dimensions.
  1. Slavery and forced labour (historic and modern) – in Latin America, Iberia and the UK.
  1. The Sports Diaspora – sport-driven transfers between Latin America and Europe (esp. UK) and their impact on sports (especially but not exclusively football).
  1. Favelas in Brazil and similar low-income urban communities in Hispano-America – the history of their development, modern characteristics and social and economic impacts, and comparative perspectives including the UK.
  1. Race and opportunity: a comparative history of the development of racial and indigenous rights, their protection and promotion in Latin America, Iberia and the UK.

If you wish to be considered for the Fellowship, please send an outline (800 words maximum) of your proposed research, indicating its aims and outcomes, and its connection to one of the themes set out above. Please also send your CV, including the contact details of two referees. For the Fellowship commencing March 2019, the deadline is 1 December 2018, and for the Fellowship commencing in September 2019, the deadline is 1 June 2019. Applications should be sent to

Enquiries regarding the scheme may be directed to Cristina Cortes at Canning House ( or Dr Federico Bonaddio at King’s College London Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies ( 

(Aug 2022 - The Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies is now Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures).

In this story

Federico Bonaddio

Reader in Modern Spanish Studies