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01 February 2025

Call for proposals: PFO Academic Conference 2025

The Proliferation Finance Observatoire invites submissions for 12 discussion papers on Proliferation Finance, each with a £500 honorarium. Papers should address innovative aspects, provide evidence-based insights and foster interdisciplinary perspectives on the topic.

A man in a suit stands before a group of attentive people in a conference setting.

The Proliferation Finance Observatoire (PFO) is excited to announce its upcoming academic conference on proliferation finance (PF), a critical and evolving issue at the intersection of security, finance and global governance. The conference will bring together scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to explore new research, frameworks and policy solutions for tackling PF challenges.

Why participate?

Proliferation finance, involving the funding of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) proliferation, remains underexplored in academia and policy. This conference provides a platform to:

  • Present innovative research and policy recommendations.
  • Foster interdisciplinary dialogue among experts from academia, government, and industry.
  • Contribute to global Counter Proliferation Finance (CPF) measures.

Call for proposals

The PFO invites submissions for up to 12 discussion papers, each awarded an honorarium of £500. Selected papers will be published in an edited journal and should aim to:

  • Address conceptual, normative, or innovative aspects of PF.
  • Provide evidence-based analyses and actionable insights.
  • Foster new interdisciplinary perspectives on PF.

Key themes for submission

  1. Proliferation finance as a concept: theorise and analyse PF as a distinct phenomenon.
  2. The normative landscape: explore the role of norms, international frameworks and institutional actors.
  3. Innovation in PF: examine technological advancements, non-traditional actors and disruptive trends.

Who should apply?

This call is open to academics, policymakers and practitioners at all career stages, including independent researchers. Contributions from emerging voices and authors from underrepresented regions are strongly encouraged.

How to submit

Submit the following by email to Lydia Wright at

  1. A brief CV (maximum of two pages).
  2. A 600-word abstract detailing your intended contribution.
  3. A proposed structure for your paper.

Download the call for proposals now for more information

For full details on the themes, submission guidelines and conference aims, download the document below or contact Lydia Wright at Join us in advancing the global conversation on proliferation finance and shaping the future of CPF measures!

Important deadlines

Abstract submission: 14 March 2025, 17.00 (GMT)
Notification of acceptance: 11 April 2025, 17.00 (GMT)
Full paper submission: 29 May 2025, 17.00 (GMT)
Date of the conference: 18 June 2025

In this story

Jean-Annet de Saint Rapt

Research Associate

Ksenia Kirkham

Lecturer in Economic Warfare Education

Lydia Wright

Research Assistant