I am humbled to receive this honour by the British Endodontic Society. The recognition of one’s hard work and diligence is always looked upon with great pride and joy. When it is for something that you’re passionate about, this happiness feels twice as rewarding. I have always taught with a lot of compassion and devotion, and I absolutely love my role in academia. Through my nominations, I am further encouraged to positively contribute towards developing the future fraternity of endodontics that are graduating from our faculty.
Dr Sadia Niazi
01 December 2022
British Endodontic Society awards for Dr Sadia Niazi & Dr Noushad Rahim
Dr Sadia Niazi receives Inspirational Lecturer award, while final year PhD student Dr Noushad Rahim received the BES Poster Prize.

Two FoDOCS endodontics researchers have received prestigious awards at the recent British Endodontic Society Regional Meeting in November.

Dr Sadia Niazi was awarded the Inspirational Lecturer award. This award recognises and rewards the outstanding skills of endodontic teachers based at Uk dental schools. The award notes the winner’s dedication to the delivery of endodontic education to their students and inspiring a desire to pursue excellence in endodontics throughout their careers.
Dr Niazi’s nominations from her students and colleagues highlighted how she demonstrates “what can be achieved within the field of endodontology with determination, dedication, and a positive attitude”, and her role as a “truly inspirational female figure and mentor”. As Lead for Undergraduate Endodontology, Dr Niazi delivers “innovative, excellent endodontic teaching to all the undergraduate students here at the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences”.
Dr Niazi is Clinical Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Endodontology in the Centre of Oral Clinical & Translational Sciences.

At the same event, Dr Noushad Rahim received the BES Poster prize. This prize is awarded for the best presentation of a research project, and any registered dentist undertaking or having completed a postgraduate research project is eligible. Dr Rahim’s presentation was on ‘Clinical performance of CAD CAM generated hybrid ceramic onlays on endodontically treated posterior teeth.’
I am really proud to receive this award and get recognition for the research work we are doing at the Centre of Oral Clinical & Translational Sciences. King's is a fantastic environment to perform research and I would like to thank my supervisors, supporting staff and all the patients who took part in our clinical trial.
Dr Noushad Rahim
Earlier this year, Dr Rahim was also the recipient of the 2022 Schottlander Oral Prize for best oral presentation at the British Society of Prosthodontics annual conference.
Dr Rahim is a final year PhD student with the Centre for Oral, Clinical and Translational Sciences.