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09 November 2018

British Academy awards Postdoctoral Fellowship to Dr Stephanie Janes

Dr Stephanie Janes has been awarded funding by the British Academy

British Academy for the humanities and social sciences
British Academy for the humanities and social sciences

Dr Stephanie Janes, King’s College London, has been awarded funding by the British Academy to pursue her project ‘Immersive Promotional Media (IPM) in the Contemporary Media Landscape’, as part of the Academy’s Postdoctoral Fellowships funding scheme.

The Postdoctoral Fellowships Scheme is the Academy’s flagship programme for early career academics, based at universities around the UK.

These three-year Fellowships enable outstanding early career scholars to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in a university environment. The primary emphasis is on completing a significant piece of publishable research, giving award holders a base on which to build a successful academic career.


In this story

Stephanie Janes

Lecturer in Interactive Media

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