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04 October 2016

Bridge and Howard on Menzies

Professor Carl Bridge was interviewed by former Prime Minister of Australia John Howard on TV documentary Howard on Menzies, to discuss Robert Menzies' role in the Second World War.

Professor Carl Bridge was interviewed by former Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, for his television documentary Howard on Menzies broadcast on the ABC on 18 September 2016.

Sitting at the table in the Cabinet War Rooms in White hall they discussed Australian wartime Prime Minister Robert Menzies' little-known role in helping draw the United States into the Second World War in 1941 at the time of the Blitz, Lend-Lease, the Greek and North African Campaigns, and Japan's first southward moves into Indo-China.

Professor Bridge argued that while it was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in December 1941 that finally brought the United States into the war, the Allies' astute management of the conduct of the war and of their relatinoship with the Americans in the year or so beforehand made American participation and the ultimate victory so much more likely.

Howard on Menzies: Building Modern Australia - Episode 1 is available for viewing on ABC iview

In this story

Carl Bridge

Emeritus Professor of Australian Studies