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19 February 2021

Book sheds light on how businesses influence policy in Europe

A new book offers unique insights into how businesses have influenced policy-making in the European Union through lobbying.

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Business Lobbying in the European Union is out now.

Business Lobbying in the European Union draws on more than 30 years of data, as well as interviews, case studies and surveys to map out the strategies used by businesses to lobby effectively in Brussels.

It provides a perspective into how business representation in the EU has evolved; as well as valuable insights into how to organise lobbying strategies and influence policy-making.

The book is co-authored by Dr Matia Vannoni, from the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London, alongside Professor David Coen, from University College London, and Dr Alexander Katsaitis, from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The book, published by Oxford University Press, is available here.

In this story

Matia Vannoni

Senior Lecturer in Public Policy