My enjoyment at the gym was due to the amazing, funny and informative trainer I had – Josh! Without his help none of this would have been possible.
Yamiini, Undergrad Student
23 January 2020
Active Wellness Scheme: Yamiini's Story
King's Sport
The Active Wellness Scheme is an initiative to help anyone within the King’s community who suffers from any mental or physical health issues through the use of exercise therapy.

The Active Wellness Scheme is an initiative to help anyone within the King’s community who suffers from any mental or physical health issues through the use of exercise therapy.
King’s Sport has support over 130 students since January 2019 through a 6 week fitness programme to educate students on the mental and physical health benefits of being physically active. All of King’s Sport Fitness Coaches are Mental Health First Aid qualified and have furthered their skills set through additional Mental Health training.
King’s Sport began the Active Wellness Scheme to aid the Student Support Services at King’s College London. As a department, King’s Sport have developed partnerships with areas of the University to refer students onto the scheme, in order to continue to pursue a world class student experience at King’s. Educating students of the benefits to exercise and working closely with a coach has proven to lead to an increase in academic attainment.
Creating a social environment for the student at all King’s Sport facilities is a priority for the Active Wellness Scheme. The scheme has indicated a wellbeing improvement of 19% post completion using the Warwick Edinbrugh Mental Wellbeing Scale. 100% of students completing the scheme would recommend the Active Wellness Scheme to friends and colleagues.
Yamiini's Story
I feel so grateful and thankful that I was part of the Active Wellness Scheme scheme as it really was an eyeopener and after every session, I felt great. I have never been to the gym before so I was feeling very nervous, however, that turned to enjoyment and fun after meeting Josh and doing our training.
I felt motivated and good about myself, while learning new techniques and how to use the equipment which looked daunting at first.
We set a goal of doing one push up which we did (miraculously) achieve after just 4 sessions. After every gym session I felt happy and was looking forward to the next session.
My enjoyment at the gym was due to the amazing, funny and informative trainer I had – Josh! Without his help none of this would have been possible.
I would definitely recommend this scheme to others even if they have been to the gym before and know what they are doing- as there is always something new to learn!