Active Wellness Scheme has provided me with a safe space to learn and be vulnerable in the process. I have gained valuable knowledge about physical fitness that I have successfully been able to use to improve and manage my mental health.
Emma, Undergrad
25 November 2019
Active Wellness Scheme: Emma's Story
King's Sport
The Active Wellness Scheme is an initiative to help anyone within the King’s community who suffers from any mental or physical health issues through the use of exercise therapy.

The Active Wellness Scheme is an initiative to help anyone within the King’s community who suffers from any mental or physical health issues through the use of exercise therapy.
King’s Sport has support over 130 students since January 2019 through a 6 week fitness programme to educate students on the mental and physical health benefits of being physically active. All of King’s Sport Fitness Coaches are Mental Health First Aid qualified and have furthered their skills set through additional Mental Health training.
King’s Sport began the Active Wellness Scheme to aid the Student Support Services at King’s College London. As a department, King’s Sport have developed partnerships with areas of the University to refer students onto the scheme, in order to continue to pursue a world class student experience at King’s. Educating students of the benefits to exercise and working closely with a coach has proven to lead to an increase in academic attainment.
Creating a social environment for the student at all King’s Sport facilities is a priority for the Active Wellness Scheme. The scheme has indicated a wellbeing improvement of 19% post completion using the Warwick Edinbrugh Mental Wellbeing Scale. 100% of students completing the scheme would recommend the Active Wellness Scheme to friends and colleagues.
Emma's Story
I signed up to the Active Wellness Scheme back in February, with the hope that it would be a program that would hold me accountable in terms of my fitness but especially in terms of my mental wellbeing - I saw the Active Wellness Scheme as something that would get me up in the morning.
The program has proven to be so much more, by introducing me to a new outlook on physical exercise, but also to my fantastic trainer Josh, and to a more confident and capable version of myself.
When I first started the sessions, I was very wary of what I was getting myself into and determined to get through the weeks as best and as quickly as I possibly could. I regarded my meetings with my trainer as an obligation.
Very quickly though, I got to know Josh and his infectious optimism, and soon I was looking forward to every session and determined to prove myself. I watched myself grow stronger and my confidence in my abilities dramatically improve.
Josh has taught me how to use every machine in the gym, but also how various exercises affect different muscles and the importance of recovery. I have become more intuitive and as a consequence, I have been able to adapt my workouts according to how I am feeling.
More generally, a better understanding of how to work out has allowed me to use going to the gym as a healthy outlet for negative feelings and I can happily say that I regularly exercise and feel great because of it.
Active Wellness Scheme has provided me with a safe space to learn and be vulnerable in the process. I have gained valuable knowledge about physical fitness that I have successfully been able to use to improve and manage my mental health.