Excellent interdisciplinary exchange.
29 November 2024
Applications open for Sandbjerg Summer School in Global History
The Sandbjerg Summer School in Global History allows PhD students to present their projects and to discuss them with peers and senior scholars in a structured, but informal setting.

The Sandbjerg Summer School in Global History provides PhD students with an overview of global history and ensures they are familiar with recent developments in the field. The School provides a unique opportunity for participants to get to know different perspectives on global history and to network with both established scholars and peers from other countries.
The Summer School is organised by a network of historians from the fields of global, imperial and transnational history as well as area studies coming from six leading European research universities (Aarhus, Bern, King's College London, Oslo, Paris Cité and Tübingen), including Professor Sarah Stockwell. All of them are members of The Guild, an association of distinguished research-intensive universities from across Europe. Additionally, four of them are members of the Circle U alliance that aims to foster student mobility and scholarly collaboration across the European continent.
Getting in exchange with a group of exciting scholars working on a diverse set of topics. Discussing with fellow PhD students about ideas, struggles, and academic life.
Fantastic setting, very supportive environment, open exchange of ideas across disciplinary and geographic lines.
Thank you so much for hosting this course, it was a fantastic experience!
In the course evaluation (6 respondents), 67% of participants found the course ‘highly beneficial’ and 33% ‘quite beneficial’. The extent of texts that had to be read was rated ‘appropriate’ by 83% respondents, 17% found that ‘too little’ reading had to be done. 83% found the course ‘highly relevant’ from an overall perspective and 17% ‘relevant’. 100% answered to the question Should this course be offered in the future? ‘yes, definitely’.
Primarily, the Summer School is designed for PhD candidates. The course is relevant for all levels of the PhD process. Early-stage projects, preferably at the end of their first year or in their second year, profit from the breadth of perspectives the senior scholars provide and the general overview of the field. More mature projects profit from the extensive research expertise of the senior scholars and the discussions with international peers.
The next Sandbjerg Summer School will take place from 18 to 21 June 2025. Please apply until 15 January 2025 here. The Department of History will fund the participation of several King's History PhD students.