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23 April 2021

ACE project speaks up for Classics education at major international conference

The Advocating Classics Education project, led by Professor Edith Hall and Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson, contributed a panel of papers to the virtual Classical Association conference 6-8 April 2021.

ACE Conference

The conference attracted participants from all over the world, and more than 400 people registered to hear about the groundbreaking work done by the ACE team to widen access to the study of Classical Civilisation and Ancient History in British classrooms.

Dr Henry Stead gave an overview of ‘the history of Classics and Class in the 19th Century, with a focus on adult education’. Professor Edith Hall then introduced the ACE project’s 23-minute documentary which was short-listed for the AHRC Research-in-film awards. Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson provided some shocking statistics in her paper ‘Who has access to Classics in schools today?’ and the final paper came from current teacher of Ancient History in Blackpool, Peter Wright, who spoke about ‘Classics in Blackpool’. You can find out more about the project here.

Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson was recently awarded Follow-On Funding by AHRC for the ‘Improving access to Classical Studies in museums and schools’ project

In this story

Arlene  Holmes-Henderson

Senior Research Fellow in Classics Education