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15 May 2023

Academic meets ambassador to discuss research

A King’s academic met with the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s ambassador to the United Nations to discuss the relationship of the European Union with African states.

Dr Mark Langan with Georges Nzongola Ntalaja. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

Dr Mark Langan was invited to meet with Georges Nzongola Ntalaja of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Permanent Mission to the UN in New York, to discuss the issues in engagement between the EU and counterparts across Africa as well as his research in the area.

Dr Langan’s visit to the United States also involved delivering a paper on global coloniality in relation to the EU’s response to the African Continental Free Trade Area at the European Union Studies Association conference.

Dr Langan said: “I am grateful to have met the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s ambassador to the United Nations. Our meeting addressed key issues relating to the EU’s engagement with African countries in the context of my research on the Post Cotonou Agreement. I hope to have further opportunities to engage DRC officials on EU policies as my research progresses.”

In this story

Mark Langan

Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy