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Chair: Dr Aviva Guttmann, Founder and Chair of the Women's Intelligence Network (WIN)

Speaker: Margaret S Marangione, Senior Research Analyst with Syntelligent Analytic Solutions, Falls Church, Virginia


This talk examines the spread of weaponized information (WI) and its serious consequences in the twenty-first century. Starting with a history of disinformation, Margaret explores how propaganda has become amplified with social media and the internet. The case studies of how Russia and China utilize WI are considered. Also, the policies of social media companies and their use of algorithms that increase the prevalence of information silos is examined. Additionally considered are the way cognitive biases, psychological heuristics and the possible de-evolution of critical thinking skills increases an individual’s susceptibility to conspiracy theories and WI. Suggested solutions include a new intelligence branch of COGSEC security and the EASTSRAT Operational methodology.

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Margaret S Marangione has been a senior research analyst with Syntelligent Analytic Solutions, Falls Church, Virginia, since 2015. Formerly an analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency, she was also a Security Analyst at the Grumman Aerospace Corporation. Ms. Marangione was the Founding Editor-in-Chief in 1997 of the Journal of Mine Action, now known as The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, published by the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at James Madison University, and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Political-Military Bureau’s Department of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA). A graduate of Adelphi University, with an M.S. from C. W. Post University, both on Long Island, New York, Ms. Marangione is also Associate Professor of English and American Literature at Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, Virginia, where she has taught since 2002.

At this event

Aviva Guttmann

Visiting Researcher in Intelligence and International Security

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