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The Department of Mathematics is hosting a series of colloquia, open for all to attend.

We invite you to attend our special student-focused colloquium with our guest speaker Vincent Boucher, co-founder of B12 Consulting. He will be giving a talk on ‘Science as a Springboard: Building a business’.

The talk will be held in-person at The Great Hall, Strand Campus, King’s College London and live streamed via Microsoft Teams.

A drinks reception will take place after the talk in The Great Hall.


Abstract from the speaker: A In this presentation, Vincent will discuss his personal journey to becoming an entrepreneur, focusing on the challenges of bridging academic research with the world of business.

Bio: After a PhD in cosmology, Vincent co-founded B12 Consulting with two other physicists. This company specializes in developing custom AI solutions, tailored for various business and organizational needs. The team now comprises over 40 individuals, primarily from science backgrounds including mathematics, physics, and engineering, with half holding PhDs. This diverse expertise fuels innovative approaches and solutions in their projects.


King’s Mathematical Colloquium

This is the main periodic mathematical event at King's College London. Internationally prestigious speakers from all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics provide an overview of their research topics, introduce their current investigations, and give their perspective on future advancements in the field. The Colloquium is aimed at a general mathematical audience: students and researchers from all fields of mathematics and physics can hear about new stimulating ideas and relevant research problems.


Event details

The Great Hall
King's Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS