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Speaker: Dr Adil Sultan Muhammad
Chair: Dr Hassan Elbahtimy
About the Book
This book suggests a new bargain between the NPT nuclear weapon states and the non-NPT nuclear weapons possessor states, mainly India and Pakistan, through a regional arrangement to help move towards universalization of the nuclear nonproliferation regime. The author analyses nuclear proliferation drivers to understand why states acquire and justify possession of nuclear weapons even though most nuclear weapon states no longer are faced with an existential threat to their national security. This study also identifies various challenges being faced by the NPT based nuclear nonproliferation regime, which if left unaddressed, could unravel the nonproliferation regime. It also offers the history of confidence building measures between India and Pakistan, which could be a useful reference for negotiating a Regional Nonproliferation Regime (RNR) in the future.
About the Author
Dr Adil Sultan is a Visiting Research Fellow at CSSS, Department of War Studies, King's College London. Ke has worked on arms control and disarmament issues at Pakistan's Strategic Plans Division for over 14 years. Dr Sultan is also managing a recently launched web-based forum Strategic Foresight for Asia.
Hosted by the Centre for Science & Security Studies.