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Chair: Dr Amanda Chisholm, Senior Lecturer in Security Studies / Researcher in Gender and Security

Speaker: Niharika Pandit, PhD researcher and teacher at LSE Department of Gender Studies

Discussant: Dr Akanksha Mehta, Lecturer in Gender, Sexuality and Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London 

Grounded in ethnographic analysis of everyday politics of living in Kashmir under Indian military occupation, Niharika Pandit explores how we conceptualise occupation, and the form of state-enforced militarisation in this Global South context as a condition of contemporary (post)coloniality.

Critical feminist work on militarisation largely from Global North geographies conceives militarisation as an everyday process that structures gendered, social, spatial and affective relations. However, we also need to read it in concert with conceptualisations of coloniality if we are to understand the nature of military occupation in Kashmir, its underlying gendered and racialised logics and sustained effects on Kashmiris and their life-worlds.

Niharika discusses how thinking through location – from where knowledge is produced, what geopolitical contexts and by whom – is key to identifying and resisting ongoing processes of militarisation and how they are embedded in the logics of coloniality.

About the speaker 

Niharika Pandit

Niharika Pandit is a PhD researcher and teacher at LSE Department of Gender Studies. Her thesis is an anticolonial feminist enquiry into everyday politics of living under occupation in the Kashmir Valley. She has published on coloniality, gender and occupation in Feminist Theory, Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research among other feminist spaces.

FTGS Global Voices Seminar Series

This event is part of the Feminist Theory and Gender Studies (FTGS) Global Voices Seminar Series. 

At this event

Amanda Chisholm

Reader in Gender and Security

Event details