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In the introduction to Consent: Gender, Power and Subjectivity, the editors point out how "...there is confusion among the public, as well as among academics and professionals as to what consent truly is..." (James-Hawkins and Ryan Flood 2023). Thinking about consent as it happens in and through a broad range of geographic, romantic, and sexual contexts - online/offline, on the dance floor/in the home, with flirts/bots/partners, in queer/straight relations - the aim of this event is to trouble understandings of consent further. Exploring the complexities of consent as it moves between people and places, the presenters will draw on their most recent research to show how a clearer, more unifying understanding of consent might not just be difficult to achieve, but also undesirable, as it would fail to account for the fluid nature of a concept that is so important, yet so hard to pin down.

Troubling Consent is co-organised by Dr Jamie Hakim and Dr Rikke Amundsen.


Dr Rikke Amundsen (King's College London)

Dr Jamie Hakim (King's College London)

Dr Lyu Azbel (Yale University)

Dr Chloé Locatelli (King's College London)

Dr Mati Klitgård (University of Stavanger)

Dr Alex Frankovitch (LSE)

The event is funded by Rikke Amundsen's British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Small Research Grant award for “An exploration of male-to-female sexting behaviours and the digital mediation of intimacy, consent, risk, and trust” (Grant Reference: SRG2223\230389) and by Queer@King's.

At this event

Jamie Hakim

Lecturer in Culture, Media and Creative Industries

Rikke Amundsen

Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture