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Please note: this event has passed

This is a hybrid event, with limited availability for the in-person element at King's College London (see Eventbrite).

This lunchtime seminar will explore the role of policy in ‘bridging the gap’ between human rights in theory and in practice for people drawing on health and social care in England and Wales.

It will be chaired by Dr Caroline Green, ARC South London Post-Doctoral Fellow. She will be joined by Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon), the special adviser to the Joint Committee on Human Rights for its recent inquiry into human rights in care settings, and Nicola Evans, Equality Lead and Head of Advice and Assistance, Older People's Commissioner for Wales. We will discuss some current examples from England and Wales of human rights policies in health and social care and how successful these have been in protecting, respecting and implementing the rights of people drawing on health and social care. We will also discuss what policies could look like for effective implementation of human rights in health and social care.

This event is part of the ‘Human Rights and Social Care Forum’ event series in celebration of Human Rights Month 2022 organised by Dr Caroline Green at the ARC South London situated within the NIHR Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit, The Policy Institute, King’s College London. To book, visit the Eventbrite link for in-person attendance or online attendance. Or e-mail: for any special requirements.

Read more about our aims for the Human Rights and Social Care Forum.

Event recording and report

Eighty-three people attended this event.

Go to the dedicated website for this Forum for the recording and report of this event – and links to further resources.

At this event

Caroline Green

Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford

Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon)

Visiting Professor