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New Therapeutic Strategies in Apheresis, Ageing Research, Cell & Gene Therapy in Diabetes, and Metabolic & Endocrine Diseases
In the field of diabetes and metabolic medicine, we are currently experiencing a paradigm shift in the diagnosis and treatment of our patients. This paradigm shift poses major challenges to the entire health care system, from specialists to general practitioners, from university clinics to community hospitals, to outpatient care and ultimately to the patient himself and society as a whole. On the other hand endocrine disorders remain largely underdiagnosed. These major challenges cannot be adequately discussed at the congresses of the diabetes and metabolic societies or at the usual continuing education events. With the involvement of the societies, in particular the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the transCampus as a network of various universities, the major international training programmes in the field of diabetes and metabolism, which are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), other renowned funding bodies, and our partners from the industry, we have established an expert panel that aims to address these challenges through the global transCampus roadshows. This roadshow in London is organised by transmedac innovations AG in partnership with Ageing Research at King's (ARK) and aims to address the challenges of metabolic diseases in ageing populations.
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Organising Committee
Stefan Bornstein, transCampus Dean, TU Dresden and King's College London
Peter Schwarz, President-Elect, International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
Ulrike Schatz, President, German-Swiss-Austrian Society for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Mahmoud Barbir, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, London
Geltrude Mingrone, transCampus Professor and European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Richard Siow, Director, Ageing Research at King’s (ARK), King's College London
08:45 Introduction - Stefan Bornstein and Mahmoud Barbir
I. New Developments Apheresis Treatment and Ageing Research
09:00 New developments in lipids and cardiovascular diseases - Mahmoud Barbir
09:20 Apheresis in postinfectious syndrome and autoimmunity - Stefan Bornstein
09:40 Apheresis and Alzheimer's Disease - Charles Groome, Apherease Ltd.
10.00 Coffee break
10.30 ADMA and NET'S a new target for therapeutic apheresis - Natalia Jarzebska, TU Dresden
10.50 MT DNA as cardiovascular risk factors - Afshan Malik, KCL
II. New Developments in Cell and Gene Therapy
Chairs: Rocio Sancho, KCL and Farzin Farzaneh, KCL
11.10 Advanced therapies in cardiovascular disease - Mauro Giacca, KCL
11.30 Innovations in viral vectors and gene-modified cells - Farzin Farzaneh, KCL
11.50 New strategies for beta cell replacement - Racheli Ofir, Betalin Therapeutics
12.10 Novel concept for gene therapy for diabetes - John Fraser Wright, Stanford University
12.30 The Dresden islet transplantation program - Barbara Ludwig, TU Dresden
Lunch Break
III. New Developments in the Treatment of Patients with Metabolic and Endocrine Disease
Chairs: Gertrude Mingrone, KCL and Taninee Sahakitrungruang, Chulalongkorn University
13.50 New treatment strategies for clinical obesity and diabetes - Francesco Rubino, KCL
14.10 New strategies for the treatment of lipid disorders and the role of genetic screening - Ulrike Schatz, TU Dresden
14.30 New strategies in pain management for diabetes patients - Florian Guggenbichler, TU Dresden
14.50 Point of care ultrasound, NASH radiomics - Joel Gay, E-Scopics
15.10 Epigenetic profiling in metabolic health and ageing - Richard Siow, KCL
Coffee Break
15.50 Round table discussion - Nikolaos Perakakis, TU Dresden
16.15 Closing Remarks - Stefan Bornstein, TU Dresden and Richard Siow, KCL
The sponsors listed have had no input into the arrangements for the conference, including the agenda, content, and selection of speakers, except for their respective sponsored symposia, for which the respective company is responsible.

Event details
Science Gallery London
Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9GU