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Please note: this event has passed

On Tuesday 7 June 2022 to Wednesday 8 June 2022, a Theoretical Physics Workshop led by Neil Lambert was held at the King’s College London, Strand Campus as part of the 73rd Annual British Mathematical Colloquium.

The workshop focused on various mathematical aspects of Theoretical Physics, and included talks by Tim Adamo (University of Edinburgh, UK) on 'Gravitational scattering and Hyperkähler geometry', Cyril Closset (Birmingham University, UK) on '5d SCFTs, Seiberg-Witten geometry and partition functions', Madalena Lemos (Durham University, UK) on 'Regge trajectories for N=(2,0) superconformal field theories', Jan Manschot (Trinity College, Ireland) on 'Domains for running couplings and four-manifold invariants', Mario Martone (King's College London, UK) on 'Chiral algebras’ finite extension in Argyres-Douglas theories' and Bogdan Stefanski (City University of London, UK) on 'Exact results for low-supersymmetry D-instantons'.  In addition there were  semi-plenary talks by S. Schafer-Nameki and I. Runkel and a plenary lecture by G. Moore. The full agenda and abstracts of the talks can be viewed here.


At this event

Neil Lambert

Professor in Theoretical Physics

Event details

Strand Campus
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS