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The lecture will provide an overview of the European Union regulation on online content moderation. It will focus in particular on the Digital Services Act and its risk management framework.

After the event there will be some refreshments to carry on discussions that everyone is welcome to join.

The speaker

Giuseppe Abbamonte has been the Director for Media Policy at the European Commission since 2016. The Directorate is in charge of:

  • Copyright law: prepared and negotiated the reform of the European copyright regulatory framework;
  • Broadcasting law: updated and negotiated the audiovisual media services regulatory framework;
  • The MEDIA programme, which provides financial support to the European audiovisual industry and;
  • The fight against online disinformation: elaborated and are now implementing the European strategy on countering fake news and disinformation.

Before then Giuseppe Abbamonte was in charge of the Directorate responsible for the elaboration of the European Data Strategy.

In his former positions at the European Commission, he supervised and directed the elaboration of the European Cybersecurity Strategy and a European law on network and information security.

He worked many years in the Antitrust and Consumer Protection departments of the European Commission and as a result he acquired extensive proven experience in handling complex merger, State aid cases and knowledge of consumer law.

Before joining the Commission, he was an associate in an international law firm in Milan for four years (1989­­–992), where he dealt mainly with commercial law and competition law.

He is now an author of several publications mainly in English law magazines. He teaches media law to master students at the Bocconi University in Milan and gives lectures and presentations on European law at several European universities.

At this event

Mateja Durovic

Professor of Law and Technology

Event details

Room SW1.18 (Moot Court Room)
Somerset House East Wing
Strand Campus, Strand, London WC2R 2LS