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Russian aggression and years of underinvestment have contributed to a dramatic rise in consumer energy prices that is being felt by homes and businesses across the country.

While government action has limited some of the impact on bills, it has not solved the long-term problem of the UK's poor resilience in the face of volatile markets.

Meanwhile, the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US and the EU’s Net Zero Industry Act leave the UK trailing its competition for low-carbon development and the economic opportunities that could accompany it.

Could Labour leader Keir Starmer’s proposal for Great British Energy (GBE), a new, publicly owned clean energy company, help focus investment, provide a competitive advantage and create high-quality jobs within the UK energy sector?

Join our panel to discuss, as we mark the publication of The role of public power: the potential for a publicly owned energy business in Britain, a new report by energy expert Nick Butler.


  • Pippa Bailey, Head of Climate Change & Sustainability Practice, Ipsos UK
  • Nick Butler, Energy economist & Visiting Professor, the Policy Institute, King's College London
  • Ed Miliband MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Climate Change and Net Zero
  • Barbara Shollock, Co-Director of Net Zero Centre at King’s College London and Head of the Department of Engineering (Chair)

At this event

Tamsin Edwards

Professor in Climate Change

Nick Butler

Visiting Professor

Event details

The Council Room (K2.29) (Second Floor)
King's Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS