Please note: this event has passed
Tash Aw, Alicja Gescinska and Srećko Horvat, in conversation with Lyndsey Stonebridge
Is culture the heart of Europe, and if so, is it doing enough to lead Europe – and challenge it? In a Britain beset by the uncertainties of the Brexit project, how can we rethink our European identity as more cultural than political? Here the London-based Malaysian novelist Tash Aw will join the Dutch novelist, philosopher and MEP candidate Alicja Gescinska and the Croatian activist and writer Srecko Horvat to discuss the present and future of Europe. The discussion will be followed by a drinks reception launching Granta 149 - Europe: Strangers in the Land.
This event is a collaboration between the Centre for Modern Literature and Culture at King’s College London, the European Research Council funded project Beyond Enemy Lines, and Granta magazine.
The Beyond Enemy Lines project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 335101.

Event details
Safra Lecture TheatreStrand Campus
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS