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Lysistrata in the Wings

A script unsuitable for Victorian sensibilities. A growing gender revolution.

A student theatre group. What could go wrong?

Near the end of the nineteenth century, a group of students gather to put on their 6th annual Greek Play – a performance of an original ancient text. However, (recent) tradition is disrupted when they find out that not only are they to stage the seemingly unstageable Lysistrata, but that female students from the separate Ladies Department will participate for the first time....and nothing quite goes according to plan!

Using a mixture of new material and original text from Aristophanes, Lysistrata in the Wings explores the reinterpretation of ancient theatre and how it takes on new meanings for each generation.

Dates: 19-21 June 2024 (Wed and Fri 2.30pm, Wed, Thurs and Friday 7.00pm)

Evening performances: will be preceded by pre-show events featuring leading scholars; these are free to ticket holders for the subsequent performance.

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