The Refugee Mental Health and Place Network brings together researchers, people with experience of displacement, and community organisations. We explore how pre- and post-migration factors shape mental health and well-being and aim to strengthen interdisciplinary expertise and intersectoral capacity to inform health and social policy to help improve mental health outcomes for refugees and asylum seekers.
The Refugee Mental Health and Place Series aims to deepen our understanding of the role of place in refugee mental health outcomes, the structural causes of mental health differences, and community sources of support. The events will vary in format and we hope to include talks, round tables, film screenings, poetry readings, and more.
Please see below details of our upcoming sessions:
Programme Overview:
Wednesday 6 March 2024, 16:00-17:30
Mental Health and Wellbeing of Somali Refugees in Urban Neighbourhoods of London and Bristol
with Abdirahman Salah, Ali Awes, Dr Guntars Ermansons
Tuesday 16 April 2024, 16:00-17:30
Online book launch: 'Ways of Belonging: Undocumented Youth in the Shadow of Illegality’
with Dr Francesca Meloni
Wednesday 22 May 2024, 16:00-17:30
Links Between Neighbourhood Social Composition and Refugee Mental Health - Evidence from a Danish Cohort Study
with Dr Peter Schofield
Tuesday 28 January 2025, 16:00-17:30
Depression, violence and socioeconomic outcomes among refugees in East Africa: evidence from a multicountry representative survey
with Julia Pozuelo and Raphael Bradenbrink
More events to be announced.
The event series is co-sponsored by the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health.
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