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Imaging Bites is a knowledge-sharing lunch & learn seminar series designed for the imaging community at King’s, together with industry partners. It’s a space to discuss cutting-edge topics in imaging, upskill and learn new techniques, initiate collaborations and network with others in the imaging community.

The seminar series will feature prominent experts in the field, from academia, core facilities, and industry. They will share their knowledge and insights on a wide range of imaging topics (light and electron microscopy): instrumentation, applications, sample preparation, image processing and analysis, visualisation and more.

Each seminar will consist of a talk, followed by an interactive discussion with a complimentary lunch.

When do they take place?
Seminars are held on Wednesdays, from 12:30–13:30 pm, at the Imaging Core Facilities, Guy's Campus.

Who can attend?
The seminars are free and open to anyone at King’s who is interested in imaging. Registration is required, and lunch and soft drinks will be provided. Details of speakers and the focus of each talk can be found in the individual event listings below.

How to register?
Registration is needed if you want to attend the event. A link to the registration form can be found in the individual event listings.

We’re looking for speakers!
If you are interested in presenting, or would like to recommend a potential speaker, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to Fadwa Joud, Associate Director Innovation & Business development – Imaging Core Facilities.

Hosted by:
This event series is hosted by the Imaging Core Facilities – Research Platforms: Microscopy Innovation Centre (MIC), Nikon Imaging Centre (NIC) and the Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging  (CUI).

Imaging Bites sponsors and contributors:
We are proud to collaborate with industry partners: Nikon, Stratocore, Thistle Scientific, Ibidi, Leica Microsystems and Miltenyi Biotec. We’re keen to partner with more industry partners. If you are interested in sponsoring our seminar series, please contact Fadwa Joud, Associate Director Innovation & Business development – Imaging Core Facilities.

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