This series is not running at the moment. Please contact if you have any queries.
The Human Rights and Social Care Forum is a series of events happening twice a year for sharing ideas, knowledge and debate between social care service users, providers, researchers, advocacy groups and anyone interested in the broad topic of human rights and social care internationally. Upcoming and past events are listed at the foot of this page.
Caroline Green has created a dedicated website for this Forum, with meeting details, materials and recordings, together with topic resources.
Our aim
The ultimate aim for these events is to make them as meaningful and useful to people drawing on social care, carers, care providers, policy makers, researchers and others interested and/or working in the field as possible. The themes are based on what people in social care have told us would be interesting and useful for them.
Making the Forum inclusive
With this Forum, we also want to generate good practice points on how to make (online) events as inclusive as possible. A lot of the work is happening in the background. For example:
- We are reaching out to people drawing on social care and inviting them to shape future Forum events, to actively contribute and participate. This means that the event schedule may change over time.
- We are seeking out people's needs for the Forum to make it the best experience for them as possible. For example, we will have captions on, we will ask people to leave their videos on when they speak if possible. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH TO TELL US ABOUT YOUR NEEDS AND PREFERENCES.
- The Forum itself can be accessed and left at any point. We will make recordings available and there will be a feature for people to share comments and ideas after each event.
- Importantly, we know that there is a lot of work to be done to make this social care Forum one that is by, with and for the people drawing on social care. We won't do it perfectly but we will strive for perfection by constantly learning about what went well and what could be done more of.
The Human Rights and Social Care Forum was co-ordinated by Caroline Green. In 2020 she developed three human rights tools with the British Institute of Human Rights, introducing them in a blog post. Available online, the tools are: Personality test | Who am I? | Human Rights Story Dice.
Header image on this page: Detail from a photograph of Eleanor Roosevelt holding poster of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (in English), Lake Success, New York. November 1949.