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Peter W. Schulze is the Director of the Portuguese-Brazilian Institute of the Universität zu Köln, where he holds the chair of Latin American Studies with emphasis on Brazilian Studies. His publications on Brazil include the monographic studies "Transformation und Trance. Die Filme des Glauber Rocha als Arbeit am postkolonialen Gedächtnis" (2005) and "Strategien kultureller Kannibalisierung. Postkoloniale Diskurse vom brasilianischen Modernismo zum Cinema Novo" (2015), as well as co-edited books on "Glauber Rocha e as culturas na América Latina" (2011) and "Novas Vozes. Zur brasilianischen Literatur im 21. Jahrhundert" (2013).

Event details

King's Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS