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The Covid-19 pandemic has revived questions on where security and health converge and where they might diverge. This panel draws on research from the Science, Technology, Health & Security Research Theme in the School of Security Studies, to map some of the key areas at the intersection of health and security.

Presentations in this panel will address responses to the pandemic in civil, military and conflict settings, exploring the significance of competing narratives on the origins of the virus and drawing lessons from the behavioural sciences and wargaming methods to inform responses to the pandemic.

Panelists and running order:

Chair: Professor Lawrence Freedman, Emeritus Professor in War Studies.

  • 'Covid-19 is as bad as Ebola': The current pandemic in civil and security context', Professor Richard Sullivan, Co-Director of the Conflict & Health Research Group and Professor of Cancer and Global Health at King's College London.
  • Investigating the narratives on the origin of Covid-19, Dr Filippa Lentzos, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Global Health & Social Medicine and Department of War Studies.
  • Learning from the past, looking to the future: The role of behavioural science in evidence-based policy and practice,  Professor Brooke Rogers, Professor of Behavioural Science and Security, Department of War Studies. 
  • Covid-19 in Conflict: Public Health and Governance Challenges, Dr Gemma Bowsher, Medical Doctor and PhD Candidate, Department of War Studies. 
  • Wargaming Strategic Decisions and Outcomes in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World, Ivanka Barzashka Research Associate and founder and co-director of the King's Wargaming Network, Department of War Studies.


At this event

Richard  Sullivan

Director, Institute of Cancer Policy and Co-Director of the Centre for Conflict & Health Research

Brooke Rogers

Vice Dean (People & Planning) SSPP & Professor of Behavioural Science and Security

Filippa Lentzos

Reader in Science and International Security

Lawrence Freedman

Emeritus Professor of War Studies

Hassan Elbahtimy

Senior Lecturer